Grey Winter Mornings
Much like many photographers stuck at home currently due to COVID-19, I've been taking some time lately to go through some of the photos I had not had a chance to do anything with.
You know the ones, they've been sitting in my archive for some time now, one or two may have been shared to Instagram or Twitter, but that's about it. So I'm sharing this set now, a collection of photos that I made over a few different grey mornings later this past winter.
Mostly landscape work with a few around my small town for good measure. I just needed to share them, to do something with them, so they weren't simply forgotten in the digital archives for good.
So I'm sharing them with you here.
I'm not sure what the future of this site holds. I don't know what my goal is anymore. I've had so much down time to think about this stuff as I've been recovering from a nasty bout of pneumonia with a sinus infection as a bonus. In all that time I've come up with exactly zero answers.
For now, I'm okay with that. I think.
In this moment, it's enough to just want to share a glimpse of late Winter here in Northern Minnesota with you.
Bundle up, it was cold and damp out there when I made these photos.