I haven’t shared too much of my photo work over the last few years, a little here and there, but I’ve been so focused on writing and on the podcast side of things that my time was spent there vs on photo sharing.
Even my time spent shooting has dropped pretty drastically over what it was - different creative outlets using up what limited creative bandwidth I had in the moment.
However, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been making photos at ALL.
And now seems as good a time as any to start sharing photo work again - some will be brand new work as I’m finding that side of my brain missing the process of creating once more, while a lot(at least at first) will be going through the archives finally and sharing some of the work I’ve been making quietly in the background.
I want to start with a cool little series I made back in the summer of 2020 out in Algoma, WI. Every summer for the last few years my Dad and I have been making a trip out there to spend a few days with the fantastic Trik Sea Charters out on Lake Michigan fishing salmon, steelhead, and trout.
Most years we are joined by a others, sometimes my Wife, sometimes my Mom, sometimes an Aunt and Uncle. It’s always a blast getting out on the water(though I admit I still have not fully figured out my “sea legs” as the big steady rollers out there keep me feeling a little uneasy the whole time) but equally fun is walking around the small town of Algoma itself, as well as neighboring small towns we’ll explore while not out on the boat.
In the heart of Algoma there is a small gas station, not actually functional as far as I know, that is set up with vintage pumps and usually a classic car or two around to complete the scene. It’s like they set it up to feel like a movie set where you can walk right up and explore it up close, with no one around at all.
On our 2020 trip, this cool old Chevy was parked there so I made a few photos before we moved on to a restaurant to grab a pizza and a beer for dinner.